Hack the Box
Methodology for solving boxes on Hack the Box.
Initial Recon
- Scan the ports with nmap
- Use either telnet or netcat to grab the banners of ports
- Enumerate files and folders (if there is a web server)
- Read through the source code of the web pages
- Enumerate subdomains (make sure to add a domain name to /etc/host on your machine)
- Use Wappalyzer to recon technologies the website uses
- Use the proper tools to connect to open ports on the box
- Take note of every version number you come across and look up on Internet if there are exploits for these versions
- Take note of usernames, email addresses and names
- Access file sharing systems (SMB, FTP, RSYNC, ...)
- Attempt to exploit most relevant web vulnerabilites depending on the web server (SQL injection, cross-site scripting, local file inclusion, ...)
Privilege Escalation
- Users on the system: personal files, privileges and permissions, history, ...
- Version numbers (OS, software, services, ...)
- Inspect the root folder of the web server (if there is one running on the machine)
- Common files and folders:
,C:\Program Files\
- Open ports bound to localhost (e. g. : localhost:3000)
- Active programs, services, conjobs, scheduled tasks, nonstandard programs
- User's private SSH keys (~/.ssh/authorized_keys) or write your own SSH private key
- System config: $PATH, SUID binaries, sudo rights (sudo -l)
- Writable, recently modified and nonstandard files
- Common attack vectors such as buffer overflows, misconfigurations, ...
Tips & Tricks
- Have a Windows virtual machine if the box is running Windows
- Test the vulnerable software (e. g. : GitLab, SharePoint, ...) on your local machine to understand how it works and how to use it
- Compile Windows binaries with
- Execute Windows binaries with Wine
- If the webserver is running on HTTPS, check if the TLS certificate discloses subdomain names
How to Get Unstuck
- Read the manual page/docs
- Make sure you performed an exhautive recon
- Make sure you run commands using the correct parameters and options
- Ask Ippsec
- Consult write-ups of retired machines
- Pay attention to new technologies
- Read blogposts on new vulnerabilites